Chirag Shah

September 21, 2021

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Across the world, the hospitality industry has undergone extreme change, adaptation, pivoting, and creative maneuvering during these challenging times. The Covid-19 pandemic has forced many businesses to adapt to minimizing contact between parties and limit potential exposure to the virus, making way for the major comeback of QR codes. Keep on reading if you need a quick refresh on these unique little codes and how they have been used to benefit your business (hospitality-related or not).

A Quick Response (QR) code is a digital code used to store or link to information. It's like a label that only a machine (like your cell phone or tablet) can read. Each one unique, these black and white pixel codes (no, they're not Space Invaders) you see popping up all over businesses these days are created using an online QR code generator that displays online information to the scanner, directing customers to a specific web link, meaning there are no two QR codes alike. Simply scanning one of these codes with their cell phone camera can allow customers to view everything from your restaurants' menu to the latest updates on your Facebook page. Made unique to your business and where you want to direct customers, QR codes are a powerful tool for growing brand loyalty and increasing sales. They are also affordable, easily editable, trackable, and used for retargeting.

Considering that most of your customers own a smartphone (who doesn't, amiright?) when used effectively and in a way that benefits them, QR codes can only make your business's customer experience even better. But how, might you ask? Here are three ways you can use QR Codes to benefit your hotel, restaurant, or business:


Whether for a guest room in your hotel or tableside at your restaurant, your guests will be able to scan the code to view a dining menu rather than viewing it on a physical copy. Bonus points: it saves on printing costs!


Engaging your guests in activities and events in your hotel, restaurant, business, or throughout your community is very important. Some of those could include happy hours, sporting events, or concerts during the time of their visit. Make it easy for guests to overview these events and ongoing activities by having a QR Code on posters and brochures around the property that direct them to the events posted online.


The hospitality industry thrives on receiving customer feedback to increase visibility and improve customer contact. Consider including QR Codes that link to your TripAdvisor, Yelp, Facebook, or Google My Business for easy feedback. If you want happier guests, more bookings, and increased revenue, we cannot understate the importance of receiving and responding to online reviews, both positive and negative.

If your restaurant, hotel, or business can benefit from QR codes but needs help creating a plan and implementation, schedule an appointment with one of our team members today!